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Why is peptide customization with high technological content?

Peptide customization is a high-tech technology, mainly reflected in the following aspects.

Firstly, the high technical content of peptide customization is due to the complexity of peptide synthesis and purification techniques. Peptides are formed by connecting amino acid molecules through peptide bonds, and the synthesis process requires precise control of the order and connection method of each amino acid. The commonly used synthesis methods currently include solid-phase method and liquid-phase method. The solid-phase method is to connect amino acid molecules with phenolic resins on the material through their carboxyl groups, thereby synthesizing peptides on the resin. Liquid phase method involves reacting amino acid molecules in the liquid phase, gradually increasing the length of peptides by continuously adding amino acids and hydrolysis reactions. These synthesis methods require precise reaction control and selection of protective groups in order to synthesize peptides with specific structures and functions.

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Secondly, the high technical content of peptide customization is due to the complex purification and separation techniques of peptides. Peptides are often accompanied by the production of other impurities during the synthesis process, such as residual protective groups, by-products, and possible denaturation or aggregation. These impurities will reduce the purity and activity of peptides. Therefore, purification and separation of peptides are particularly important. Common purification methods include countercurrent chromatography, gel filtration, ion exchange chromatography and affinity chromatography. These methods require selection based on the characteristics of peptides and precise operation to obtain peptides with high purity.

Once again, the high technical content of peptide customization is due to the complexity of peptide validation and characterization techniques. The structure and function of peptides are often closely related to their activity, so it is necessary to verify and characterize peptides to ensure that they have the required structure and activity. Common validation methods include mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, and chromatography. Mass spectrometry can determine the molecular weight and peptide bond connectivity of peptides, nuclear magnetic resonance can provide structural information of peptides, and chromatography can determine the purity and content of peptides. These methods require professional analytical equipment and techniques to obtain accurate results.

Finally, the high technical content of peptide customization is due to the complexity of peptide design and optimization techniques. The structure and function of peptides can be improved and enhanced through rational design and optimization. The key to designing peptides is to identify and optimize key amino acid residues to enhance their molecular recognition and biological activity. This requires a deep understanding of the structure and function of peptides, and optimization using computational and experimental methods. Meanwhile, the stability and bioavailability of peptides are also important considerations for design and optimization. These tasks require the comprehensive application of multiple technologies and methods, as well as extensive experimentation and data analysis.

In summary, the technical content of peptide customization is high, mainly reflected in peptide synthesis and purification, validation and characterization, design and optimization, etc. These processes require the support of various advanced technologies and instruments, as well as professional knowledge and experience to operate. Therefore, peptide customization is a high-tech task.

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